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Pick A Card - Week 4- Janurary 22, 2023

blog Tarot Flip

Pick A Card 

Week 4
Card #1
4 of Wands
It may be a good time to “clean house” and make it a space that is a home. Your outward space reflects that clutter or peace in your mind. Remember, home is where the heart is. 
Chakra #6: Ajna, third eye, violet light
Card #2
3 of Cups 
Who are your people? When was the last time that you spent time with those who stoke your fire? Time to make a plan to spend quality time with them and watch the sparks fly. 
Chakra #5: Ajna, throat, blue light
Card #3
3 of Pentacles
Threes are about working in groups. This card reminds you to put your energy into what you do best and trust others to fill in the rest. Work will go from a heavy load to a light kind of dance. 
Chakra #5: Ajna, throat, blue light
All the Cards Together: 
This week’s focus is about how you relate to others. What’s your role in your workplace? What is it in your home? Who are you beyond these roles? 
As Ram Dass would say, “The only thing I can do to really help others is to work on myself.”

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