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Pick A Card - Week 11 - March 12, 2023

Pick A Card 

Week 11
Card #1
The 10 of Wands asks you to put down your heavy load. I might be a good time to delegate and trust others to do a job that you don't do well. Not sure how? Connect to your heart chakra and find out!
Card #2
Oh! Love is in the air-  what does that feel like to you? If you really love, respect and accept yourself others will do the same. This week would be a good time to do a few random acts of kindness to strangers along your path. Take a moment to see them as you would an old friend. 
Card #3
The 3 of Swords can remind you that even the bigs storms eventually pass. Some of the deepest nuggets of wisdom show up in the darkest night. When things go well and when they don't... Ask yourself the same question: "What's the lesson here?" 
This Week's Vibe:
Part of being human is to ride the roller coaster of life. You have two choices. You can be the victim of your life or you can be the creator of it. You choose. 

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