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Pick A Card - Week 2- Janurary 8, 2023


Pick A Card 

Week 2 
Card #1
Page of Pentacles
This Page holds a healing herb called trillium in her trunk. A reminder to take good care of what you eat and how you ingest it. Take your time and be mindful of each bite. 
Chakra #6  Ajna: third eye, violet light
Card #2
Knight of Cups
This Knight has a hard outer shell but is a softie just below the surface. A good time to put down your defenses and soften the area around your heart. 
Chakra #6  Ajna: third eye, violet light
Card #3
High Priestess
Let your intuition be your guide this week and you may be surprised where she takes you. Cats move with unhesitating grace. It is time to learn from them. 
Chakra #7 Sahasrara: crown, white light
All the Cards Together: 
These cards remind you to go deeper than superficial happiness, and superficial sadness. 
Can you see the relationship between patience and kindness or non-aggression. There is a space of contentment when you say “yes” to what is.

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